With over 20 years experience of training in the social care sector, we ensure all courses fit the needs of the client and trainee.
We understand that training needs to be more than a tick-box exercise.
Perfect for schools, education providers, local authorities and residential care homes.
Take a look at the courses we can offer - and get in touch to find out more.
All our Team Teach positive behaviour training courses provide a holistic approach to managing behaviour for individuals and organisations working with children and adults, including health and social care settings. Our accredited, award-winning training helps your organisation build strong relationships and transform challenging situations into positive outcomes. We focus on teamwork and communication, to foster supportive working practices and recognise the needs of distressed individuals.
We know that entering the care system can be a difficult and confusing time for young people. Every child or young person who enters the care system is unique and has different needs. This course aims to provide staff with an insight into the experiences that children will have to face when entering the care system and the potential effects of this, including how this can affect other aspects of their life including education.
Our first aid courses help staff that work with children and young people, including Emergency First Aid and First Aid in the Work Place.
Ideal for professions such as Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Childcare Workers & More. Learn to respond appropriately to challenging behaviour & communicate effectively. Supporting children and young people to manage their own emotions, taking responsibility for their own behaviour. How to support and defuse situations, preventing crisis in young people, whilst safeguarding the staff team.
The Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties (EBD) Training Course aims to provide great insight into the skills and knowledge needed to work with and support children and young people with emotional and behavioural difficulties.
We provide staff working with Looked After children and young people with the knowledge and understanding of experiences they may face, the experience of being looked after and the effects that being in care may have.
If you would like more information, fill in the form below or book your place by emailing pg@opencaregroup.co.uk